Thursday, July 29, 2010

I would like to say thank you...

To the people that let me cut in the security lines. For the upstairs terminals AND the downstairs terminals (because I went to both).

To everyone that did not point out the fact that I was soaked through my gray shirt with sweat as I booked it through the airport.

To the TSA man who took an extra long time checking my ID in order to "teach me a lesson" (I did not appreciate the humor at the time).

To the man behind me in the plane that pushed my bag up for me the rest of the way into the overhead bins when it was clear I was not going to make it (I was so so tired). I think the woman sitting in the seat below it was glad the bag did not come crashing back down on her (because it would have).

To my mom who drove me to the airport in bumper to bumper traffic and endured a near rear ending.

To my dad who came to the airport straight from work just so he could hug me goodbye.

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