Sunday, August 29, 2010


I am the kind of person that is comforted by good luck tokens. You know, things that you have on you to remind you of someone or something when you look at it. I needed that comfort on my first day of school. As I sat in my room counting down the final minutes before I went and picked up my class, I realized that I am very blessed as I looked around at all the tokens I have in my room.

For instance, there are the hundreds of books from my second grade teacher (many of which I read myself as a seven year old) with S. Walker written inside of them. There are crayon boxes with names labeled on every one by my mom because "she would have wanted her crayons labeled in school". Each of my books are marked with a beautiful sticker from my sister who designs beautiful things. Outside my wall are 29 bees hot glued to clothespins to display work on. My dad hot-glued on every one of those bees hours before open house. I have big dragonflies hanging from my ceiling over the reading chairs from Sister Jennings. I have books, flashcards, and math tools from my mom who has been handpicking them out at garage sales for the past several months. My sister pinned up the number line on the back wall because only she was able to reach it. My teaching chair comes from a good, good friend who taught several years herself and loaned this one out to me. All of my folders and spirals were labeled with the help of family and friends.

I couldn't have done it without you. My room was built and prepared with a lot of love. From a lot of people. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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